Monday, October 26, 2015

Sophomore Year: Derby Days

Derby Days is a week long event, October 12th though the 17th, in which sororities compete for Sigma Chi to raise money and awareness for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Each day has a different event or challenge, such as volleyball and a human obstacle course, that has points awarded. We also do coin wars the entire week to raise money and there is a daily social media challenge to also raise general awareness. Throughout the week, we each have an individual donation page which goes directly to the foundation. On Friday, we have a dance competition to wrap up the week and announce the "winning" sorority along with all the donations. These pictures are from the dance competition that happened on Friday.

I can't wait for Derby Days next year and I'm so proud to say that my sorority raised over $8,000 in one week and Greek life on my campus raised $44,000 total!