"You know what they say about Chicago. If you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes." -Ralph Kiner
We had a surprise fire drill on Thursday, the day before our first honors paper was due. The whole dorm had to evacuate so naturally I brought computer to finish my essay in the Chicago cold. Lucky for me our dorm dog, Alonzo, kept me company!
We've made Friday girls night at this point and this Friday was no exception. We tried a Thai restaurant and loved it! This is my friend Cassie she lives next to me and is from Portland.
We took a shopping break Saturday to stop at a sandwich shop downtown and they actually serve you your food in a tin bucket!
Heading back from the city on the L with these two lovely ladies; Mariana and Cassie!
This kind of puts in perspective how far Loyola actually is from downtown. It's technically in a suburb called Rogers Park. But obviously we can see downtown from the L stop.
Great Picture!